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Morgan is AMAZING

So Morgan’s surgery was on September 14, and we brought her home on Sept 16.  I was very nervous about picking her up.  All of the reading I had done said that it is very important to be positive about this.  We need to be happy to see them, be positive and encouraging… never let them see you cry.  Well, I had blown all of that when I took her to drop her off on the day of surgery, I lost it in the waiting room and again, cried like a baby. 

So I gave myself a pep talk on the way over to get her.  I had looked at lots of pictures on the internet, to prepare myself for what she was going to look like.  Turns out all of that worry was for nothing.  When I saw her little face come into the room I truly was happy and positive.  It was only 2 days after surgery and she was already hopping around pretty well, she was smiling (ok, panting… but it looks like a smile)  There were no tears, it went so much easier than I thought. 

She was just so happy to come home, and lay in her own bed!  I was very impressed that the crazy puppy seemed to sense that something was wrong, and somehow knew enough to take it easy with her.  They were both very happy to see each other. 

Morgan has completly amazed us!  She is hoping around on 3 legs like it’s a piece of cake.  There are a few things that are a bit of a  challenge for her, but she is UNBELIEVEABLE! She gets up and greets us when we come in the door, rear end wiggling like always.  She hops out to do her business (in the driveway, instead of the yard now… oh well)  I can only hope and pray that things continue to go this smoothly!

There are so many unknowns, and every dog is so different, you just never know.  We are very relieved to see her acting so much like her old self.  We are so glad that we made this choice for her! 

Here is a little video I made…

1st day home – 2 days post amputation


5 responses to “Morgan is AMAZING”

  1. fightingforsammy Avatar

    I am so glad to hear that, what a champ she is! I think this was the hardest part for my boy. I will be praying for a continued great recovery for you all.

    Elizabeth and Sammy

  2. etgayle Avatar

    way to go – pooping and peeing in the driveway…you might start a new trend… keep up the good work. great picture of you in your tee-shirt, you are definitely workin’ it girl!!! don’t worry too much if you have a few bad days ahead, those pain drugs can make you see pink elephants and stuff..medicinal naps are the key!!

    gayle & charon

  3. Chloe's mom Avatar
    Chloe's mom

    Animals do have a sense of when things just aren’t right. Our cat was the same way with Chloe, usually he play attacks her all the time, but when she came home, he was very cautious around her.

    Those 2 weeks will just fly by! We hope for a smooth and uneventful recovery for Morgan!

    -Chloe’s mom

  4. jdsmom Avatar

    So nice to read all about Morgan and see the nice photos. How great to hear she is doing so well -here’s to a continued uneventful recovery.

    Spirit JD’s mom

  5. nstephenson Avatar

    Wow Morgan! Sounds like you are doing great! Love the photos of you and Evo. Keep up the good work.

    Nancy and James the poodle

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